Pizza! We made pizza in class a few weeks ago and although I didn't get to spin the crust like they do in TV it turned out great nonetheless. Made it again a few days later letting the crust developed overnight in the ref and it was even better. It was a square one however and again, I didn't get to spin it. :)
2 tsp. instant yeast
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 c. lukewarm water
1 tsp. sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
3-3 1/2 c. APF
Dissolve sugar and salt in water, add oil. Mix yeast with flour in another bowl, make a well in the center and add liquid mixture, stirring to make a soft sought. Cover and the leave for 10 minutes.
Lightly knead in an oiled surface for about 3 minutes, left it to rest for 5 minutes and knead again for another 3 minutes. Let it proof in an oiled bowl for an hour to an hour and a half.
Cut the dough in half, roll each half into a circle, cover and leave for 10 minutes. Roll each ball into desired thickness and shape and place onto oiled-and-cornmeal-sprinkled baking tray. Brush surface with a little oil, prick and top with desired toppings. Bake in 400F preheated oven for 15-20 minutes depending on thickness.
I grated the cheese on top of the dough hence the mess. And it's cheddar, the only widely available cheese here in the Philippines and it didn't really melt. Also, I didn't have a pizza stone so even though I suspect it would turn out much better if baked with one I wouldn't really know.
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